We started the meeting by chatting to each other over a hot drink. Parents discussed how insensitive papers are when writing about a child’s death. The report comes out too quickly before parents have a chance to digest the terrible situation they find themselves.
All parents spoke about the difficulties they face in August/September. It is heart breaking to see children going off to school, going up to secondary school and then jobs or university. They all felt that they missing out on the future of their child . Some parents expressed the difficulties of keeping in touch with friends – people’s life goes on where theirs stopped.
There was a mutual understanding among them and each parent was understood about the pain and agony they are facing daily. Support for each one was obverse.
We discussed the forthcoming Anniversary event in September. It will be 10 years when our group met for the the first time on the 19th September.
We welcome any bereaved parent to our group – what ever age the child died or how long ago. Our meetings are held every 3rd Thursday , next one on the 19th September at 7.30pm
The Peartree Centre, 1 Chadds Lane, Peartree Bridge, MK6 3EB