We had 14 parents at our meeting and welcomed one new couple. A small reading was shared ( C. Hinton – Child Loss, The Heartbreak and the Hope). She described the first few months after the child’s death as living in a fog. It is like a protection at the early stage of grief when life does not make sense. Parents could relate to this statement. Parents discussed if re reading any medical reports is actually helpful as it may raise questions which won’t be answered. They felt that the ‘foggy’ state of mind protected them at the time of inquests and post-mortem. It will of course depend very much on each individual circumstances.
It was clear at the meeting that the forthcoming Christmas period will be challenging to every bereaved parent. Support was obvious amongst the parents as each one was at a different stage of grieving. It was decided that we have a bit of a special meeting in December especially as we could not use Woburn Gardens for our Christmas display this year.
Our next meeting will be 20th December at 7.30 at the Peartree Centre, 1 Chadds Lane, Peartree Bridge. MK6 3EB. Any bereaved parent is welcome to attend.