October Meeting

Claire EstickUncategorisedLeave a Comment

13 parents came to our meeting. The discussion took place about going  back to work.

Some felt that going back to work was a way of breaking up the long days and  to get back to some normality where others found it more difficult to face work and colleagues.  Often money is controlling when to return to a paid job. Parents shared their feelings about work and although each one said that their doing their very best it was hard to concentrate, they are at work but their heart is somewhere else. They expressed their feelings of being less patient. Flexible working hours would really be a bonus as some days are just a struggle to get to work let alone perform as usual.

Talking to people after the loss of the child can be very challenging. Parents shared  their experiences on how some people can’t deal with the fact that their child died and don’t know what to say.  Some  parents lost contact with friends and family members as it was too hard and painful to keep conversations going.

It was felt that being a bereaved parent can be very lonely and they appreciate coming to the meetings where there is a total understanding and neutral support.

One parent shared the good news that a friend has raised money for the group by completing a half marathon. We are very grateful for those donations.

Our next meeting will be on

Thursday 16th November at 7.30

The Peartree Centre,

1 Chadds Lane

Peartree Bridge, MK6 3EB

Anyone who lost a child is very welcome.

Please note we are having a Christmas Tree event at Woburn Gardens

on Sunday 3rd December at 3pm. More details nearer the time and our Facebook page.

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