September meeting

Claire EstickUncategorisedLeave a Comment

We had 11 parents at our last meeting. As it was the beginning of the academic year parents expressed their sadness that they aren’t able to experiencing their child’s milestone. Some find it very difficult to listen to parents who feel hard up getting shoes, uniform and whatever is needed to see their child off to school or university. They came to the conclusion that there is no easy way to cope with those situations.

Parents with teenagers felt that it is very hard to support them in their grief.  They all said the their young person does not like to talk about their feelings to them; the parent know their child is hurt but it is almost that they put a wall around them. They seem happy to talk about their brother or sister and what they used to do but won’t go any deeper. Parents encouraged each other in this difficult situations and came to the conclusion that in time maybe they will open up. Child Bereavement UK was mentioned as they have sessions for teenager but it is not easy to get them there.

Discussion took part about grave yards and how the council and some church authorities put restrictions on how parents want to look after their child’s grave. It is a difficult situation as often one can’t talk directly to the person who implements those guidelines.

Our next meeting will be

Thursday 19th October in the lounge of


The Peartree Centre, 1 Chadds Lane,  Peartree Bridge MK6 3EB

Any bereaved parent will be very welcome


Future Date:

Christmas Tree gathering at Woburn Garden on

Sunday 3rd December at 3pm

This is an opportunity to get together and remember your child in the stillness of the garden.

More information will follow.





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