The group wanted to create a lasting memorial in a location that anyone could visit and after discussing a number of ideas and locations at the group meetings we decided to approach the Duchess of Woburn and ask if she would let us use some of her land to plant a snowdrop memory walk. Something that all the guests to Woburn Abbey Gardens would be able to see.
Planting started in November 2012 and has been an annual event since. We chose snowdrops as they symbolise hope, some say tears and also the beginning of spring and the step change from the dark days of winter to the lighter days of the summer to come. Mirroring what grief can feel like.
One Comment on “Snowdrop Planting – the beginning”
A touching event on 18/4/16, snowdrops planted in memory of our son & we look forward to seeing them grow later in the year. Very kind of Woburn to support this very necessary & worthwhile organisation.